Quiz: Should You Consider a Colonic

Here’s a quiz designed to help you decide if colon hydrotherapy is right for you:

1. How often do you experience constipation?

A) Rarely

B) Occasionally

C) Frequently

D) Almost always

2. Do you often feel bloated or gassy after meals?

A) Never

B) Sometimes

C) Often

D) Almost every time

3. How would you describe your energy levels throughout the day?

A) High and consistent

B) Generally good, with a few dips

C) Often low, especially in the afternoon

D) Consistently low and sluggish

4. How regular are your bowel movements?

A) Very regular (daily)

B) Mostly regular

C) Irregular (skipping days)

D) Highly irregular (multiple days without a movement)

5. Do you frequently experience indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux?

A) Rarely or never

B) Occasionally

C) Often

D) Almost every day

6. Have you noticed any skin issues, such as acne or rashes, that seem to persist despite treatment?

A) My skin is clear and healthy

B) I get the occasional breakout

C) I often struggle with skin issues

D) I have chronic skin problems

7. How often do you experience headaches or migraines?

A) Rarely or never

B) Occasionally

C) Often

D) Almost every day

8. Are you concerned about the potential buildup of toxins in your body?

A) Not at all

B) A little

C) Somewhat

D) Very concerned

9. Do you experience bad breath that persists even with good oral hygiene?

A) Never

B) Occasionally

C) Often

D) Almost always

10. Do you feel like your digestion impacts your mood and overall mental well-being?

A) Not at all

B) A little

C) Somewhat

D) Very much so

11. Are you looking for a way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle or detox?

A) No, I feel fine as I am

B) I’ve thought about it

C) I’m interested

D) Absolutely, I’m ready to start


  • Mostly A’s: It seems like you’re not experiencing many digestive or energy-related issues. However, maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise is key to keeping your system in balance. No need for a colonic right now, but always listen to your body.

  • Mostly B’s: You have a few minor issues that might benefit from a mild detox or dietary adjustments. Consider speaking to a healthcare provider about whether a colonic could help improve your digestive health.

  • Mostly C’s: You’re experiencing several symptoms that suggest your digestive system might benefit from some extra care. A colonic could be a potential option to explore, but be sure to consult with a healthcare professional first.

  • Mostly D’s: It sounds like you’re dealing with significant digestive discomfort and other related symptoms. This might be an indication that your body could benefit from a colonic or other digestive health interventions. Consulting with a healthcare provider should be your next step to ensure this is the right choice for you.

Disclaimer: This quiz is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making decisions about your health.

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San Diego, CA 92111